7 Common Car Collisions and How to Avoid Them

How to Avoid the 7 Most Common Car Accidents

Let's face it: accidents happen. And when they do, you may be considering auto repairs and injuries and possible increases in your insurance premium. Safe driving can go a long way to protect you and your family and control your premium. Here are seven common car accidents and tips to avoid them:


  1. Rear-end collisions
  2. Damage caused by a parked car
  3. Individual Vehicle Accidents
  4. Windshield damage
  5. Accidents at intersections
  6. Theft from parked vehicles
  7. Support collisions

7 Common Car Collisions and How to Avoid Them
7 Common Car Collisions and How to Avoid Them

1. Rear-end collisions

Rear-end collisions are a common cause of car insurance claims. Whether you are the driver who is hit by a vehicle in front of you or the driver who is hit by a vehicle behind you, these accidents are often preventable. Consider these tips:

  • Keep your distance, drive far enough behind the car in front of, stop safely. This is especially true in bad weather. Stay at least three seconds behind the vehicle in front of you, longer if you are in a heavier vehicle. Extends duration when weather conditions are poor.
  • Drive strategically. Avoid situations where you may need to brake suddenly. If a driver follows you too closely or is not careful, you could end up sitting in the back.
  • Do not get distracted. Never take your eyes off the road to eat, read a text, or find your phone. If the driver in front of you stops suddenly, it will only take a second or less to ignore the rear of your vehicle.
  • When you're fatigued or under the influence of alcohol, don't drive. When you're drowsy or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you're more likely to make mistakes behind the wheel.


2. Damage caused by a parked car

Another common cause of car damage is when another car hits a parked vehicle. Whether you park your car in a parking garage or on the street, take steps to avoid collisions and parked car claims. Here are some suggestions:

  • Leave. Don't park in the busiest part of a lot. Instead, choose a location away from heavy traffic. It will help reduce your chances of being hit by another car.
  • Maximize space. Always park in the middle of a square. Reposition your vehicle if it is too close to a parking line. This will prevent your car from being hit by other people entering or leaving neighboring places. It can also help prevent them from hitting swinging doors.
  • Park in a garage if you can. The idea is to leave your car in a safe place when you are not driving.
  • Smart park. Try not to park near busy intersections, sharp turns, and driveways. Other drivers may not see your vehicle and swerve it as they pass.

3. Individual Vehicle Accidents

In addition to rollovers and off-road accidents, individual vehicle damage also includes collisions with guardrails, debris, or animals. Preventing them is not difficult.

  • Drive right for the weather. Even if you are the only vehicle on the road on a rainy, snowy, or icy day, drive at a speed that allows you to stay in control. Learn how to avoid aquaplaning on flooded roads and brush up on your winter driving skills before the season starts.
  • Always pay attention. Just because you're the only person on the road doesn't mean you can text, talk on the phone, or eat while driving. You never know when circumstances will change.
  • Don't drive too fast. Speeding has been the cause of nearly one-third of all motor vehicle deaths for more than two decades1. Simply said, even when no one is nearby, speeding is unsafe.

4. Windshield damage

Chipped and cracked vehicle windshields are a common car accident that many drivers don't know they can help prevent. Most windshield damage occurs when stones and pebbles are thrown into the air by other vehicles. Maintain a safe distance from automobiles and trucks to help prevent this harm.

Also, don't drive behind plows when they are dumping salt or other coarse substances. Some parts are large enough to cause chips and cracks.

5. Accidents at intersections

Intersections are another place where accidents are common. Distracted drivers may miss traffic lights that change from green to yellow to red. Or they don't realize that vehicles stop before they turn.

Practice defensive driving to avoid accidents. Take a moment after the light turns green to make sure no one is crossing the intersection. Watch for motorists crossing a yellow light on an intersecting street. When approaching a yellow light, be careful instead of taking risks.

6. Theft from parked vehicles

No matter where you park your car, there is always the possibility of a break-in. Still, there are things you can do to avoid potential unnecessary damage to your vehicle. Don't forget that items stolen from your vehicle can constitute a claim that you declare to your home insurance. Damage caused to your vehicle during theft is covered by your car insurance.

  • Never leave valuables in a parked car. Looking at them is an invitation to thieves. Take expensive items with you, put them in the glove compartment, or lock them in the trunk.
  • Never park in dark places. Instead, look for coins in well-lit areas. Plan if you park before sunset.

7. Support collisions

Whether you're pulling out of a parking spot or out of your driveway, accidents can happen.

The best thing you can do to avoid reversing accidents is to avoid having to back up in the first place. If possible, park in such a way that you do not have to back up into traffic, e.g. B. when crossing or exiting a parking space.

Another helpful tip: drive vehicles with backup cameras. If your car does not have one, it may have one installed. If you're driving a car that doesn't have a rearview camera, here are some other suggestions on what to do:

  • Before getting into your vehicle, look around to assess your surroundings and the traffic pattern.
  • Return the quickest and most direct way possible.
  • Back straight up and only turn when there are no parked vehicles or other obstacles.
  • Back up slowly while continuing to check the surrounding traffic.
  • Use your mirrors and brake until you are completely off the road and in traffic.
  • Never do anything that distracts you during your retreat.

Although there are many things you can do to prevent an accident, theft, injury, or damage to your vehicle, it is not always possible to avoid the unexpected. Contact your local independent representative or a Travelers representative to ensure you have the right coverage for your needs.

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