Compare Car Insurance

You might find that there are many different viewpoints on the company to select and the type of coverage to get when you compare car insurance rates.

One of the best methods to save money is to compare prices from several insurance providers. And it's not a lengthy procedure. 

Finding the greatest auto insurance prices and the proper coverage just requires a small amount of time.

Compare Car Insurance

What is car insurance, and why do I need it?

Car insurance could cover your costs if your car is damaged in an accident, stolen, vandalized, or catches fire. 

You’re legally required to have insurance if you own or drive a car unless you officially declare your car off the road with a SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification). 

You can be fined a minimum of £300 and given six penalty points if you’re caught driving without car insurance. And if you end up in court, you face an unlimited fine and could be disqualified from driving.

Do I need car insurance?

Car insurance is a legal requirement. If you own or drive a car in the UK, the law says you must have at least third-party-only insurance. 

You must have insurance, even if you don’t drive your car, and you keep it parked on a road, driveway, or in a garage. This applies to all drivers, and you can find car insurance for:

  • Young drivers: If you're a driver aged between 17 and 24.
  • Learner drivers: If you're taking lessons with a provisional license.
  • Over 50s: If you're a driver aged 50 and over.
  • Named drivers: If you want another driver on your policy.
  • New drivers: If you’ve recently passed your driving test.
  • Disabled drivers: If you need extra protection because of your disability.
  • Multi-car: if you need to insure multiple cars.

What types of cars can I insure?

You should be able to find car insurance for most types of cars, but if your wheels are a little out of the ordinary, you might need to get more specialized cover.

HMRC defines a classic car as over 15 years old and valued at over £15,000. Premiums are typically cheaper than standard policies because older vehicles have lower speed limits and classic car owners tend to keep their cars well looked after, as well as being on the road less often.

Cars are built low and designed for performance and high speeds. Premiums tend to be more expensive than standard car insurance because sports cars have more powerful engines and can reach higher speeds, increasing the statistical likelihood of an accident.

An imported car is a model you've bought and delivered from abroad. They're often more difficult and expensive to insure because they usually cost more to repair, and are often higher-spec, with more powerful engines. 

They're sometimes modified to fit with UK regulations - all this leads to extra hassle and risk for insurers.

Cars that have had modifications such as custom bodywork or paint jobs, engine upgrades, or new wheels. Upgrading your car's appearance, performance, handling or function means that insurers classify it as a greater risk and charge more for your cover.

Cars that run purely on battery power. Electric cars are fairly new to the market, and they use technology that isn’t as widespread as standard petrol cars – as such they can be more expensive to repair, and therefore also insure.

Cars that are fuel efficient, built with hybrid engines, or rely on alternative fuels. Premiums will depend on your policy, your car, and how you drive. 

Some insurers do offer lower premiums and deals for green car insurance, so do your research before choosing a policy

Compare Car Insurance

What type of car insurance do I need?

The best car insurance for you is an affordable policy that covers what you need – don’t just pick the cheapest option.

You’ll need third-party cover as a minimum. It’s compulsory, and you can’t legally drive without it. But exactly what you’re covered for depends on the type of policy you choose.

Comprehensive car insurance

This is the most extensive coverage you can get. It covers you for:

  • Repair or replacement costs if your car’s damaged or written off.
  • If your car's stolen or catches fire.
  • Claims made against you for people, passengers, and their property.
  • It may differ by policy, so check what you're covered for.

Third-party, fire, and theft

  • This covers you for damage to other people, passengers, or their property.
  • Your car’s covered if it gets stolen or damaged by the fire, too.
  • If you’re responsible for an accident, it won’t cover repairs to your vehicle or your medical costs.

The third-party only

  • This is the most basic level of cover.
  • It's the lowest level of cover you need to legally drive your car in the UK.
  • You’ll only be covered for damage you cause to other people, passengers, or their property.
  • There’s no cover for you or your car.
  • If your car’s stolen, damaged, or catches fire, you won’t be able to claim back the cost.

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